Random Musing

There Lies Hope

A lot of presentation slides just slide on by. They just keep flowing. Next slide. Next presentation. Next gushing about AI solving… oops, not this post. Yet, every other once in a while, you hear a talk, indeed the kind that a person speaks, not just reads, that well shatters your status quo. That was […]


106 Photos… 506 of Them

I always thought it was clever that when talking about my favorite creative act (taking/making photos) that I described photography as an act of deletion. In putting that rectangular frame around an object, landscape, animal, person, you are essentially removing everything outside the frame. With so much fervor of the “power” of generative AI to […]

Random Musing

What’s Next?

Out of somewhere came a childhood memory of a standardized test they gave us in elementary school, 1970s era. I did well on the test but I recall some analysis which said my skills would be best for some kind of bookkeeping or doing typing in my career. I was not thrilled by that given […]