I’m going to get worried when email spammers finally develop good writing skills. Today, I earned another pile of money, a million pounds courtesy of Microsoft (hey they have gazillions to spare, believable, eh?)
Dumb spamming, or How to Spam Like a Moronic Dummy:
- Use a forged emailed address that is from cox.net? dead giveaway. Dumb. I think Microsoft is a big enough company to use their own email systems
- Use bad grammar- “The prestigious Microsoft”– why not “The Great and Powerful (ignore the man behind the curtain) Microsoft”
- More bad grammar. No one uses correct tense, least of all Microsoft? Does this mean they did not use grammar check in Outlook? Dumb. Oh, supply “serial numbers and your drew the luck number” Just grammatically brilliant. Beyond Dumb, Dumb as a doorpost.
- Suspicious contact info. “Mr Kyle Hitchens” lists his email as kylehitchenss@yahoo.de (c.f. #1 above for email address)– and that’s a real Germanic name you are sporting, Kyle. This address does not even match the forged email in the header. Dumb.
- Hah! I think I will invite Microsoft to Gmail Not so dumb!, but this is what me gmail reader added, not the spammers credit.