108 Results for "Audacity"

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Top of the Dog House

Top requested dog links as of September 5, 2017 (plucked HTML from Jetpack stats with a bit of HTML gymnastics) Title Views Google Wakes Up and Smells the Animated GIF 46,874 Setting up Custom Content Types in WordPress 3.0 17,693 Google and GIFs: You Can Upload But Ye Shall Not Animate 14,183 The Seven Circles […]

Blog Pile

Break Away (3 sound #netnarr story remix)

This is somewhat for Alex, who asked for an example on how to do the 3 sound remix assignment for Networked Narratives. He’s spinning his audio wheels, which I said would likely happen. DONT PANIC! We asked students to record and share three sounds of their morning routine, representing their preparation, transportation, and arrival at […]

Blog Pile

I’m a Reclaimer

Walking home from my friend’s Christmas dinner I was thinking, of all things, about how tired people seem to be of social media and the web, and a lot of resignation to how eff-ed up it can feel. Many of the blogs I relished reading have just gone dark, un-updated in my RSS Reader. And […]

Blog Pile

Spinning Albums from Reclaim Records

Once a media idea worms into my head, it’s gotta play out before I can do other things. So it was this morning, leading to this: Jim Groom has been running fun and wild with the record store metaphor for Reclaim Hosting, fueled by the recognizable style of Bryan Mathers. My coffee was still brewing […]