13 Posts Tagged "creative commons"

Blog Pile

A Silly CC IP-SUM Generator

There’s something I love about web generators. Not the ones that make power, but ones that power the creation of stuff. The stuff of the useless web. Everything from the tombstones to metal band names to church signs to luchador names. Maybe it’s because people make them for no other reason than because they can. […]

Blog Pile

Dominoe’s Day on Flickr

Thanks to Martin Weller, I was tipped off to today’s flickr blog theme as being D is for Dalmatian. Of course, given my favorite of favorite lost/found/lost/found dogs, I had to take a peek. Interestingly, I spotted 53212 photos found by searching on “dalmatian” sorted by interestingness (well I did not actually count, I used […]

Blog Pile

It’s Not Really Sharing When the Default Is Not

cc licensed flickr photo shared by Roberto Rizzato â–ºpix jockeyâ—„ Facebook resident Let’s stop politely nodding and play lip service to sharing content. Let’s stop doing sort of sharing, like sort of pregnant. You do or you don’t. And save the trotted our excuses, “most people don’t know about creative commons”, “the default is turned […]

Blog Pile

Bye-bye flickr cc BY Hello BY-NC

It was back in late 2006 I switched my flickr photo creative commons license to the simple, and sharable, by attribution license. I said then: So I am considering, pondering, swaying that the most free, is the simple BY Attribution license, and until someone strongly can compel me backward, have switched this on my blog […]