36 Posts from October 2014

Blog Pile

Eyeing My Next Trip To New Zealand

creative commons licensed ( BY-SA ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog That blast of blog posts was doing what I loathe, trying to catch up on days past. It ends up feeling like homework, though all work was assigned by me for me. It’s because I am thinking of my future need for a time […]

Blog Pile

2014 Kiwi Tour: Round 2 of 2 at AUT

creative commons licensed ( BY-SA ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog It’s Thursday. I have presented every day last week and this week, and here is the finish line. Today we returned to downtown Auckland for a followup to Tuesday’s talks at Auckland University of Technology. A good start was a flat white with Thom […]

Blog Pile

2014 Kiwi Tour: The Auckland University

creative commons licensed ( BY-SA ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog Monday. In Auckland. This means morning alarm clocks, dressing up, getting in the car, and going downtown. Hey, is this A JOB? No. It’s a visit to The Auckland University, for the first of 4 speaking days in the area. This campus sits at […]

Blog Pile

2014 Kiwi Tour: Weekend at Nigel’s

creative commons licensed ( BY-SA ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog A fitting end to the first week of the tour. Five days, 4 locations, 2 cities, 13 presentations. And now for a break in the action, a chance to catch up (whatever that means) sleep late (sort of) and relax at my friend/host Nigel […]

Blog Pile


As Cogdogblog awoke one morning from uneasy dreams it found itself transformed in its posts to something else. Not at all an insect. But absolutely changed. If only he could remember how to blog. Surely it was not difficult. Surely there was a Manual. Surely there was a Professional Development Seminar by a World Known […]

Blog Pile

2014 Kiwi Tour: Open Polytechnic of New Zealand

After the end of the Tuesday sessions of the Shar-E-Fest conference in Hamilton, Richard (my host, driver, and handler) drove us to the lovely small airport where we boarded a plane to Wellington, about an hour by the beats of the propellers. It was a cloudless day and dramatic to be over the rugged hills and mountains, not to mention flying into a city that is sprinkled like sugar crystals on the craggy hills overlooking the sea.