I previously blabbed that Twitter had done a full reverse cycle to its first impression in 2007 of being “that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard of”– I was wrong. The stupid levels have gone much lower, like DEFCON -1. I don’t need to say much. And I am not the first to lament the […]
The Musky Dark Lord of Twitter has finally cast the fun loving, roll-in-the-grass-like-a-happy-dog DS106 Daily Create off of the tweeting lawn. This marks the end of 3811 successive never missed a single day of tweeting fun creative challenges openly and the last 2813 of them had, until today, been able to have their responses collected […]
Just typing the “t” word brings all the smelly fetid connotations. Still, twitter can be a swell place, Wally. The writing on the wall is happening for a string of my web sites and some silly experiments that likely the world will not suffer to be without. And while this week we are hearing of […]
Since I know not which will be last, I am doing my own archival work here. This was my first day twittering on January 31, 2007: This first day’s glorious messaging says so little about the future. Here is that fateful day, with tweets in chronological order: Looking at a long list of Cole’s twitterstwittering […]
For re-refreshing change from the ever increasing Twitter fallout drama and the rising wave of AI euphoria, I was granted a reprieve last week where I got to catchup with an old friend, yes, that Blabberize talking alpaca. Alas, we could not help but slip into the musky drama of the Now. Our connection traces […]
As a lead up to a March 13, 2015 presentation for Open Education Week, Brian Lamb and I decided to create a bit of twitter based performance where we pretended to be disagreeing. Some felt this was “icky”. This idea was hatched on the ferry ride from Vancouver to Victoria- since we planned to talk […]
Usually it’s the kind of notification from the twitter app I dismiss without notice. But given it was the same day I dissed their other big offer I did give some pause of twitter telling me it was 15 years ago today I signed up for their silly service. No I am not going to […]
One tweet somehow manages to send me off to the web experimentation rabbit hole for building a new gizmo. But the bigger lesson is that knowing how to read, edit, and modify URL parameters can give you the power over the algorithmic lords. From One Tweet… I managed to just click this out of curiosity […]
There are few things better (for me) than inadvertently coming across a fabulous web site, resource, tool, or just a curious link– even better when I was not looking for it. Cue the theme music of Web Serendipity… On a break from work (I swear it was a break, honestly) I saw something Laura Gibbs […]
Twitter is nearly universally accepted as a dumpster fire of hate, misinformation, and just badness. And this is just said by people in Twitter. But it can excel in small ways perhaps lost in the noise. If you ask for with something specific, people you do not know like to offer answers. This is not […]