25 Results for "diabetes"

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I Won a Contest!

It’s not everydayavailable on flickr Even better than second place and collecting $10, I won first place and got $50 donated to the American Diabetes Association- see And the winner is .. and some reflections on user-generated content: As many of you know, I celebrated a milestone birthday this month.  To celebrate, I concocted an […]

Blog Pile

Another New Tech Device

flickr foto New Tech Deviceavailable on flickr No, this is not another cool mini MP3 recorder– this is an insulin pump that is tethered to my belly. I am getting up to speed with the functionality before I put it in action. It’s a bit larger than the MP3 recorders I’ve been researching, but this […]

Blog Pile

Bike Geek

Not relevant to anything but what’s happening around the office…

When I started at Maricopa, I found the building had a locker room available, and for about 3 or 4 years, I was an everyday bicycle commuter- you can tell be the later 90s vintage of my “Wacked Out Bike To Work Page”. Part was economic driven as my wife and I had one vehicle between us, but I also enjoyed the scenery, found the exercise essential to managing my diabetes, but best of all, it was good thinking time.

Fats forward to now, we have 2 cars, more things to do, and I bike maybe 2 days a week, but have had some 2 month stretches of no biking. But a few weeks ago, Todd, who runs our Wellness Program, asked if they could use a photo of me in bike gear to promote a Bike To Work campaign / alternative transportation mode. Little did I know they would plaster posters al over our district…