25 Results for "diabetes"

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Blog Pile

Six Words From 1970

Each go around of ds106, one assignment seems to take off in popularity, with no real explanation why. Previously we have seen bursts around Say It Like Peanut Butter, One Story / Four Icons, Splash the Color, and Messing with the MacGuffin. I’m guessing, maybe wrongly, we will see a burst around the Six Word […]

Blog Pile

More Alan Artifacts

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog That is Alan 1.0 as in 1.0 years old. I’ve had a bittersweet time revisiting the boxes and carefully organized albums, envelopes of stuff Mom had hung on to. Here I think I am some hot shit for collecting media, and Mom has been doing […]

Blog Pile

Wave, ripple, and flow

My own Google wave spun through Photoshop As much as I recall being smitten by the original Google Wave Preview video (I watched the whole demo, its still on my iPhone), I’ve felt not more than tiny ripples of interest, and until just a few minutes ago, was curious why I was not feeling the […]