10 Posts Tagged "resnetsem"


The #ResNetSem Fab Four

Meet the four newest MA Thesis Writing Studies graduates from Kean University. They are indeed fab, and I’m proud of their accomplishments. How I, an ed-tech WordPress bending media playing geek with an MS in Geology came to be running a thesis seminar in New Jersey from home on Arizona, is a long story. It […]


#ResNetSem at #OER18

Next slide. I’ll refrain from writing about the old days when I’d blog a presentation, and all the other ones I attended, the same day. Next slide. To cut the glowing short, the OER18 conference was amazing on all levels for the location, the venue, the conference organizers, the co-chairs, the weather… and above all, […]

On Media

Don’t Trope on Me

Gah TV. For someone who was totally raised from watching 1970s cartoons, sitcoms on a large glowing box, my hunger these days to “watch” is nil. Not being any kind of “All TV is Bad” purist, I just choose not to have it beamed in my house. I find IM just end devouring time better […]


Hi, I am your disembodied teacher

Well, maybe not literally. Although I did once launch a headless ds106 that spawned a (Photohopped) decapitation theme. This semester I am teaching, from my home in Arizona, a seminar for five Writing Studies students at Kean University doing their MA Thesis. They’ve already experienced this mode, as it was how I co-taught the Networked […]


Pickles and Shoe Tying

Is there a possible connection? Only in my blog, my mind. In a series on blogging (what a whacky idea in 2017), Doug Belshaw outlined ideas on Deciding what to write about in your blog post. I left a 2-3 paragraph comment that seems to have fallen into the cracks. I think we agree that […]