23 Posts Tagged "storybox"


The StoryBox Appearance at CHNM

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog “Excited” is an understatement for how I felt about having the opportunity today to be a guest at the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University — like I said today, this was like a baseball fan getting to go to Cooperstown. […]


IdeaBox for StoryBox

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog The content inside the StoryBox is growing nicely- as of today I have: audio recordings: 55 documents: 7 drawings: 6 graphics: 4 music: 13 photos: 195 videos: 65 Much if it is mine- I am adding something almost every day, and where-ever possible doing audio […]


The StoryBox Gets Around

Here is another one from the Department of Internet Serendipity, where I am fortunate enough to have a mail slot. I got to Seattle yesterday, with a plan for a quiet catch up night at a non-descript airport hotel as I wait for my girlfriend to fly in tomorrow (now today) (now soon). That act […]


Mysterious Sherman Lake

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog As I drive around the country, I spend a lot of time behind the wheel trying to make guesses at what is worth stopping to see. I cannot pick everything, else I would not get anywhere, and there is a certain amount of blind luck […]


Meet Richard

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by cogdogblog This is Richard Dean, an affable and eager to share park guide I stumbled into in Arco, Idaho. I had just visited a rather interesting museum located on the property of the Idaho National Laboratory (INL)- the place where nuclear fission was used to runt […]


StoryBox Wants YOU

cc licensed ( BY NC ND ) flickr photo shared by SpreadTheMagic C’mon folks, I have been politely asking, nudging, nagging, and frankly, INTERNET YOU ARE LETTING ME DOWN on participating in my StoryBox Project. The imperial gloves are coming off, cause the excuses are poop. I’m out here on the road, going town to […]