11 Posts Tagged "7dayChallengeTDC"

Blog Pile

Day 7: Illustrate Attraction

I like you, You like me. Let’s make a photo. The last Daily Create of the Seven Day Challenge is to make a photo that illustrates the idea of attraction (this is one we borrowed from our inspiration, the Daily Shoot.)

Alas, our crew has dwindled to 15, do you seek more abuse? I will skip. Coming up in a next post will be the challenge wrap up, which is to make some new art out of the pieces we have collected.

Here are some I really enjoyed, just a scroll down past the blog fold…

Blog Pile

Day 6: Flip the Decibels

Your week of Daily Create Challenges is almost over. Are you still in it? Today is another audio one, “Flip the decibels- Make a loud sound soft or a soft sound loud” — and very clever because the creativity is both in the choice and thinking about it, and the execution of it.

While 25 people joined the Soundcloud group, as of today I see 12 sounds, which leads me to think people are still working on it (if they do not, the drill sergeant is going to make them run laps all night in the rain).

I really enjoyed the variety here, and these are going to be very interesting media used for the final mashup challenge. A few favorites sit below the blog fold.

Blog Pile

Day 5: Technology You Cannot Live Without

The Daily Create Seven Day Challenge piles up hard this week, with another video one today (I did not even look to see what was lined up when I made the challenge). For today’s we have 18 Challengers still standing, which is respectable. Where’s the others? preparing to have sand kicked into their faces, I bet?

Today was another in a series suggested by @noiseprofessor, a philosophy series, “What technology you cannot live without?”:

What can you expect? Mobile phones? Web sites? Computers? Cars? Check out some favorites below the fold…

Blog Pile

Day 3: What’s On Channel 106?

Day 3 of the Seven Day Daily Create Challenge now raises the ante- after day 1 and day 2 of drawing and photographery (easy peasy), we have a video challenge. Will they hang on?

Apparently so, I count 23 in the hopper for Day 3, which is Show us what is on cable channel ds106 (or make it up).

Now she says it strong, but I agree with Dr Garcia

But hey, anything counts in The Daily Create. The real question will be, at the end of 7 days, what story can you weave from all 7 bits? It shall be interesting. Check ’em out, some favorites just below el fold…