20 Posts Tagged "catfishing"

Blog Pile

Not Holding My Breath Waiting For Facebook’s New Account Impersonation Detection

Several people have shared these stories about what Facebook is (here comes the scare quotes) “doing” about fake accounts.– Facebook is testing a feature that alerts you if someone is impersonating your account (from mashaable.com) and Facebook is reportedly testing a tool for detecting profile imposters (The Verge)… and everyone else is re-reporting it– Facebook’s […]


We Regret To Inform of the Passing of Malle Gottfried’s Fakebook Profile

Malle Gottfried’s Facebook account, active since November 2015, supposedly of New York City, passed away March 5, 2016 in the anonymous vacuum of reason called Enforcement of Facebook Community Standards. Visitation is not possible and only an ambiguous message of account unavailability remains. Malle supposedly was born in San Salvador. After losing his parents early […]

Blog Pile

Dear Facebook

The subject line in today’s email held some promise: A friend reported a profile they think is pretending to be you I was a bit bust enjoying the beach and time with friends on my last night in Puerto Rico, so I left it for later. And thus, I got another Rejection Letter from Facebook. […]

Blog Pile

Meet Halle Gottfried…

Meet Halle Gottried (pronounced MA-lee GAHT-fryd) on Facebook Fakebook WTFbook. Chief Engineer on an MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Company) container ship, he studied Engineering Science and Mechanics at Georgia Institute of Technology College of Sciences. When not on the high seas, he lives in New York City. According to someone he communicates with– I will call […]